Epiphany 5

I learned of today’s offertory anthem, Eternal Light by Eugene Englert, through a recommendation of my best friend, Dr. Adam Ward, organist and director of music at Providence United Methodist Church in Charlotte, NC. Adam is visiting me this weekend to help celebrate my birthday and is seated at the mighty Fisk this morning. He will also be participating in this afternoon’s concert.

This piece was in our library, and in speaking with Adam one day, he said I needed to check it out, so I did, and I really fell in love with it. At rehearsal the other day, some of the choir made mention that there are no recordings available where we go for our usual references, like YouTube or Spotify. They also mentioned that we should make a recording of it. What a splendid idea! Unfortunately, the microphones that we use to record the choir for our livestream, the two mics hanging in the chandeliers above the chancel steps, have become fossilized! Paper and comb, a string and a wax cylinder would make a much better recording!

So, the time has come for us to replace them, and this afternoon we’ll have a little 50-ish birthday for me and a Few of My Favorite Things to raise money for our new microphones! Some of my favorite students and some of my favorite choir members will sing some of their favorite songs. My best friend and I will play some of our favorite pieces, and then we’ll have my favorite dessert – cake!

So, everything will be about my favorite things, and since it’s my birthday, I invite you to bring my most favorite thing – money! Your generous donation will help us raise the funds to purchase these mics, which run about $1500 a piece, and we want to get two of them. There will be some fun show tunes, opera selections, and various pieces on the organ that you might not ever get to hear in church.

We hope to see you there. The suggested donation is $48, to celebrate my 48 years on this glorious earth! If you’re not able to make it, please send in your donation to Pam in the church office, and we thank you for your continued support of the music ministry at St. Andrew’s. Soli Deo Gloria!                   

Ryan Hebert



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