Our annual Christmas Pageant will be Sunday, December 16th during the 10:30 service. We will rehearse the Pageant this morning during the Children’s Chapel time, 10:30 am until 11:10 am. And the rehearsal will be held in the Chapel. Final dress rehearsal will be Saturday, Dec. 15th from 10:00 am to Noon. We will start in the Chapel and end up in the church. For more information please contact Jim Morgan at 813-233-6230, christianed@saintandrewstampa.org or jameskmorgan53@gmail.com.
Live Stream Services
We have Sunday services at 8AM and 10:30AM and the Wednesday 12:10PM Holy Eucharist.
Holy Eucharist – 8:00 am
Adult Christian Education – 9:30 am
Holy Eucharist – 10:30 am
Noonday Eucharist – 12:10 pm
Check the website calendars, bulletins and newsletter for changes and for other events throughout the year.