
Advent 4

There are few things more exciting in life than the birth of a baby. That’s true whether you’re a commoner or a controversial member of a royal family. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have become household names to Americans over the past couple of years, but their lives have not been totally without good cheer. For example, when they gave birth to their first child, Archie, there was such keen public anticipation that Whole Foods Market created a commemorative cheddar cheese they called “Royal Addition.”

The press release for the new cheese said that since cheddar cheese is popular in both the U.S. and the U.K., this cheese was meant to “embody the cultures” of the British prince and the American actress. Its bright orange color was meant to honor Harry’s notably red hair. In case you haven’t tried this cheese yet, the Whole Foods press release described the Royal Addition’s taste as “tangy and creamy, with a slightly sweet and nutty finish.”

“Slightly sweet and nutty”—that describes a lot of children I know, especially at Christmas. Christmas is such an exciting time for children. But kids and parents often have different priorities at Christmas.

A woman whose Twitter handle is Mommy Owl posted the following conversation she had with her seven-year-old son:

The boy said, “I wish I could see Santa’s naughty kid list.”

Mom replied, “To see if you’re on it?”

The 7-year-old responded, “To see who I could have the most fun with.”

I think we all feel some sympathy for that mom.

More proof of this theory that kids’ priorities at Christmas are different than parents’ priorities can be seen in kids’ letters to Santa Claus. One four-year-old wrote: Dear Santa, I’ll take anything because I haven’t been that good.

Well, I’ve got some good news for you this morning. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t been that good this year. Jesus still came for you. The Christmas story is such a magnificent one—so full of tenderness and love. The young bride-to-be of Joseph knew that God was at work in her life. Her cousin Elizabeth knew, too. When she greeted Mary, she spoke out with a loud voice, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb . . .”

Mary answered Elizabeth with a song of joy, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the mighty one has done great things for me, and holy is his name . . .”

We would do well this morning to spend a few moments with this young woman named Mary, wise beyond her years. Her experience of Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection was the most intimate one of all. After all, she was his mother.

If Mary were here this morning, what are some lessons she might share with us, as the mother of God’s Messiah?

Perhaps the first lesson Mary would share with us is that God is working in the small things of the universe. That’s the message of Christmas, isn’t it? That God, the Almighty Creator of the universe, the Great I AM, set aside His own majesty and authority to be born as a tiny baby to a poor young couple. He could have come as a conquering warrior, a charismatic king, a commanding emperor. Instead, God came as a poor and helpless baby to show us that God loves us enough to enter into our daily lives.

The Christmas song, “Be Born in Me,” sung by Francesca Battistelli, expresses this idea beautifully in its second verse:

“All this time we’ve waited for the promise

All this time You’ve waited for my arms

Did You wrap yourself inside the unexpected

So we might know that Love would go that far?”

In the birth of Jesus, God wrapped Himself inside the unexpected. It’s easy to miss the joy of Christmas because we are looking for the big moment, the big gift, the big pageantry of decorations and lights and flashy worship services. But the actual Christmas story is almost entirely composed of little, private moments of joy when God shared the message of the coming Messiah with humble, poor, nobodies like the shepherds.

Author Henri Nouwen tells of a small wooden Nativity scene that he saw placed underneath a church altar. The figures of Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus were hand-carved, very simple, and smaller than a human hand. But just below the altar was a large light. When it was turned on, the figurines cast a huge shadow on the wall behind them.  In this, he saw the message of the Christmas story.  “God’s light shining on this small, humble family casts ‘large, hopeful shadows against the walls of our life and our world . . .’”

That’s when we see God most clearly, when His light and hope shine through humble people and simple acts of love. God came as a poor baby to bring us life at Christmas. And God can use you and me to share His joy and hope and love with others. The message of Christmas is that God is working in even the small things of the universe.

The second lesson Mary might share with us is that God is working in difficult circumstances. Read through the Bible and you will see that God never chooses the easiest path to accomplish His will.

Jesus was born to a young couple who hadn’t even consummated their marriage yet. Don’t you think Mary and Joseph’s family and friends and neighbors wondered and worried and gossiped about Mary’s premature pregnancy? And Jesus was born during the reign of King Herod, a ruthlessly ambitious ruler who was willing to kill all the infant boys in the region to prevent any competition for his throne.

What was God’s logic in sending the Christ Child, the Messiah, to these people and this place at this time? Why doesn’t God just choose an easier path for accomplishing His will? Because, according to God’s word, God’s light shines brightest in the darkness, God’s power is greatest in our weakness, and God’s grace shows up when we least expect it.

Kaitlyn De Jesus was diagnosed with autism at age three. The neurologist told her mother, Marisabel, that she would never be able to speak. Marisabel refused to accept their diagnosis. By her teens, Kaitlyn could speak one or two words at a time with visual prompts. But that was the extent of her verbal expression—until two years ago.

A neighbor on Kaitlyn’s street, Don Weaver, decorates his yard every Christmas with a musical light display consisting of 200,000 lights. Kaitlyn and her mother visit every night of the Christmas season. Weaver even puts out a special chair for Kaitlyn.

During the 2019 Christmas season, as Marisabel and Kaitlyn were enjoying the light display, Kaitlyn suddenly got up from her chair and began to speak. According to her mother, Kaitlyn said, “Mom! Look at the blue lights. Look at the snowmen!” Don Weaver and the other neighbors present gathered around, excited. It was the first time any of them had heard her speak.

As Marisabel says, “At Mr. Weaver’s house she comes to life . . . If only Christmas could be around all year.”

God works in the small things of the world, and God works in the difficult circumstances of life as He did in Kaitlyn’s life. 

The third lesson Mary might share with us is that God is working in everyone who opens their heart to Him. Isn’t it amazing that God, the Almighty, the Creator of the universe, never forces anyone to accept Him? He sent an angel to speak to Mary and Joseph ahead of time. He came in the most unlikely manner to the most unlikely people at the most unlikely time so that we would not be overwhelmed by His power but overjoyed by His love.

God works in the small things in the universe, God works in the difficult circumstances in life, and God works in everyone who opens their heart to him. That truth is what motivated Mary’s song of joy, the Magnificat. It’s still spreading joy all over the world more than 2,000 years later.  What about you? Have you opened your heart to the working of God? Are you ready to welcome Jesus this Christmas?