Proper 8

Music Notes (and your weary music director) will be taking a much-needed summer vacation during the month of July. I want to take a moment to express my sincere thanks to those of you who faithfully read what I write each week. I must confess that I enjoy writing about music as much as I enjoy making music. I never thought of myself as a writer, but apparently I have some sort of knack for it. Someone always seems to make mention of the music notes, in passing conversations each week.

At the core of who I am lies a passionate teacher. Humans are strange creatures, but it’s our capacity to learn that fascinates me the most. The reason why I write Music Notes is so that you can not only understand more about music, but about how music helps us learn more about ourselves. Life is constantly teaching us something. I just so happen to use music as a means of unpacking what life is trying to teach us.

Being a person is not always easy, and at times, it’s downright confusing. However, within our fickle form lies a spirit – a very curious spirit, seeking to understand who we are. This inward journey of understanding takes a lifetime and often yields surprising discoveries. I don’t know about you, but I surprise myself all the time. I’m discovering new, hidden talents. I’m learning of new desires and bigger dreams. Things that once mattered, I no longer care for, and things that I never cared for in the past have become more important than ever. How can I be the same person over a lifetime, yet change so much? Well, that’s why we need teachers, to help us to navigate life’s transitory nature.

Jesus was a teacher. He was a thought leader. He challenged old mentalities. He made people think more deeply about what it meant to be a human. He used his wisdom to change the world. And that’s what I want to do. I want to use my words, my skills, and my music to help people find what they seek in their souls – a better understanding of themselves and of life.

If our music has changed your life, if it’s been meaningful, and it’s brought you comfort in unsettling times; clarity in moments of chaos; and joy in times of sadness, then in many ways, it has been a teacher for you. It’s helped you find what you needed, the comfort of God, right there with you all along. If my music notes have helped you unpack some of the complicated parts of life, then that brings me great joy. If you will miss reading Music Notes over the next six weeks, then you can always catch up with me by checking out my blog: There you will find short essays that I write each day about things that are near and dear to my heart. In the meantime, thank you for reading. I hope it has helped you learn something. Soli deo Gloria!