On September 23rd, the members of the St. Andrew’s Children’s Choir and Cherub Choir, together with their directors, Rodney Shores and Maggie Coleman, and several parents, attended a field trip to the Patel Conservatory and Straz Performing Arts Center as part of their annual Choir Retreat. The children had a master class with Conservatory instructor, Kavan Gillespie, and then everyone enjoyed a behind the scenes tour of the Straz Center, including dressing rooms, costumer workshop, set making, and different stages/theaters. The children learned that Mr. Gillespie started singing at the age of 4 in his church’s Cherub Choir! Mr. Gillespie learned that our children practice solfege, words in Latin, and “Super Breath!” Dr. Shores and Mrs. Coleman welcome any interested children to join the Children’s Choir or Cherub Choir! Learning about music is fun! These kids sing in choir… what’s YOUR superpower?!
Live Stream Services
We have Sunday services at 8AM and 10:30AM and the Wednesday 12:10PM Holy Eucharist.
Holy Eucharist – 8:00 am
Adult Christian Education – 9:30 am
Holy Eucharist – 10:30 am
Noonday Eucharist – 12:10 pm
Check the website calendars, bulletins and newsletter for changes and for other events throughout the year.