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Sunday 5:00 PM
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church


n. 1. (Anglicanism) Church of England Also called: Evening Prayer or vespers the daily evening service of Bible readings and prayers prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer
2. a form of worship said or sung in the evening in the Anglican Church.

No matter how you define it, Evensong is a beautiful part of the heritage of the Church of England that is still practiced, throughout the United Kingdom, in many churches. St. Andrew’s is working to preserve this beautiful tradition of sung evening prayer here in Tampa with an Evensong service for All Saints’ Day on Sunday, November 5, at 5:00 PM.

The service will be sung in honor of former choir member and music supporter, Curt Goter, and will include music by Charles Villiers Stanford, Haig Mardirosian and Ralph Vaughan Williams. Come and be renewed and refreshed at the end of your busy weekend, as you prepare for the week ahead, with sung and spoken prayer!

A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.